Social Distancing Appointments
Change to a “Call for appointment only” process and have pet owners call once they arrive. Check the patients in over the phone and have the owners wait in the car until called. Have the owner bring the patient to the door and pass the pet off to a staff member, then have the owner return to the car. Call the owner once the pet has been examined to discuss diagnosis. Allow the owner to come in if necessary to finalize the checkout process.
Remind the owners, if they are feeling ill, or have family members ill at home, to please reschedule their appointment or have someone else bring their pet for the appointment.
Allow for Curbside Pickup
Provide curbside pickup for food and prescription refills ONLY: When calling in for prescription refills, have the owners pre-pay over the phone. They can call when they arrive and someone on your staff can deliver the medications and food to their car.
Limit Elective Surgeries
To help reduce the burden on the human medical supply chain, limit surgeries such as elective spay and neuters, cosmetic surgeries and any surgery that wouldn’t harm the animal to postpone.
Conserve Supplies
As an extra precaution, conserve medical supplies when possible. A few suggestions are: Personal protective equipment, surgical and medical supplies, drugs in limited supply that might be useful in emergency respiratory situations, disinfectants and cleaning supplies, and oxygen.
Governor Ivey’s COVID-19 Resources and Updates